Insect and Disease Control
A comprehensive five-step insect disease control program includes the following:
Early Spring: A coating of dormant oil sprayed on dormant trees and shrubs to control over-wintering insects.
Spring: This is a time insects and diseases can devastate your plant material if allowed to develop unchecked. An application of insecticide and fungicide to the foliage will control the insects and diseases common to this area.
Early Summer: The summer heat encourages development of a whole new population of insects and disease problems. Sucking insects like aphids and mites and chewing insects like leaf beetles along with diseases like powdery mildew, scab or blight can cause damage. We specially mix a combination of insecticide and fungicide to control your tree and/or shrub problems.
Summer:The summer heat encourages development of a whole new population of insects and disease problems. Sucking insects like aphids and mites and chewing insects like leaf beetles along with diseases like powdery mildew, scab or blight can cause damage. We specially mix a combination of insecticide and fungicide to control your tree and/or shrub problems.
Fall: With this final application of insecticide and fungicide, we rid your trees and shrubs of disease and late-hatching insects and eliminate the pest that would over-winter without treatment.
When trees or shrubs are fighting insect or disease infestations, we will recommend a treatment program to get the problems under control.